There was a tiny bit of the Tokyo National Museum with Ainu artefacts.
Compare to the size of the museum, it was laughable. But at least it was there.
Pour Vincent.
Arrows - Hokkaido (Ainu) |
Mukkuri - Jaw Harp Hokkaido, Ainu, 19th Century |
Iku-Pasui - Conveyer of Wine and Prayers to Gods Hokkaido, Ainu, 19th Century |
Extraordinaire. Je ne me souviens plus du roman d'Ossendowski que tu as lu etait-ce Siberie sauvage ou Hommes betes et dieux? Dans Siberie sauvage il mentionne les Ainus qui a l'epoque peuple egalement la cote est de l'ile de Sakhaline. Ils etaient tres poilus. Bisous. V