I'm not quite sure why, but I've open a twitter account.
I guess I was feeling lonely, and I missed making people laugh as I used to on Facebook (as in, I missed the realisation that other people also found funny the stuff I heard, which made me feel part of... the... world?). Not sure.
Before that I jumped and danced on some music with Roman, you know, to get the morning started, between telling him he won't be able to go swimming if he. doesn't eat. his. flipping. BREAKFAST. for. the. 10th. time.
Lately the days have been a lumpy mixture of four things: trying to get as much done for my boss (keeping the place as tidy as I can which isn't easy for an untidy person, washing the dishes about ten times a day, folding clothes, making sure the pets aren't starving, adding meat and dairy protein to the dinner to please everyone), doing all I can for the kids (cooking food they will actually eat, driving the car in a responsible way, brushing up their musical education with James Brown and Michael Jackson, smelling their feet between the shower and the bath to make sure they don't stink, explaining why you have to clean your hands before eating - in Japanese it ain't easy lemme tell ya'all-, swallow my tongue and not say anything when another adult tell them they don't need to wear their seatbelt or wear it in a way that will be totally useless if we crash, carry them on my back making airplanes sounds, giving them french quizzes in the bath), try to keep up with my stuff to be a balanced and content human being ah ha (finishing an illustration, which takes me weeks, studying a little Japanese on my own when I have enough brain energy which is not often, going for a walk or a run with the stinky dog - ok that hasn't happened lately -, thinking about what I should do with my life giving the fact I am young and have strictly no career plan and will not set foot in a University ever again, deciding on weather is should or should't stress about the latter, making some music, telling myself I am not fat, finishing reading my books, like the five I am reading at the same time, thinking about where to restart Giving Peace Faces, keeping sending letters), and trying to not fall asleep at the wrong moments as I am happily swinging between hypersomnia and needing naps every day and at least nine hours of sleep at night and surprise-hey-hey-guess-who-insomnia at least a few good times a month with no apparent reasons, which makes for a very sleepy person at some point between 2 and 6pm.
Wow that was a very long sentence.
How about a picture of food to lighten this up.
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Ah bon?